Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some of the latest Transition and Career resources at the SERC Library

Check out some of these recently added new resources:

Work and disability: Contexts, issues, and strategies for enhancing employment outcomes for people with disabilities edited by Edna Mora Szymanski and Randall M. Parker, 2010.

This 492-page third edition, written by several contributing authors, covers the latest in legislative background and other contextual matters regarding employment of people with disabilities: vocational theories and research related to disability; counseling interventions, multicultural issues, vocational assessment, labor market information, and accommodation of people with disabilities in the workplace; job placement and job development; outreach through business consultation; and supported employment for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Think college!: Postsecondary education options for students with intellectual disabilities by Meg Grigal and Debra Hart

This 342-page resource uncovers the big picture of today's postsecondary options and reveals how to support students with disabilities before, during, and after a successful transition to college. It will help readers understand the current models for postsecondary education (PSE), overcome the common challenges to PSE for students with intellectual disabilities, plan effective person-centered transition services, and support students as they manage all the practical aspects of a positive PSE experience.

Transition strategies from adolescents & young adults who use AAC, edited by David B. NcNaughton and David R. Beukelman, 2010.

This 228-page book will help professionals who provide critical supports to young people who use AAC make a smooth transition to a fulfilling self-determined adult life by providing effective services that meet the young people's individual needs and make the most of advances in technology. Combining the best research-based practices from diverse fields - including special education, vocational rehabilitation, and communication disorders - this resource covers every aspect of transition planning for young adults with a wide range of disabilities. Guidance from top experts is woven together with personal stories of young adults who use AAC, shedding light on the challenges of transition and the research-based strategies that lead to positive outcomes.

Universal design for transition: A roadmap for planning and instruction, by Colleen A. Thoma, Christina C. Bartholomew and LaRon A. Scott, 2009.

This 238-Page guide applies the principles of universal design for learning to transition for students with disabilities. This concept is called UDT or universal design for transition and can support the planning for transition from school to adult life. This book provides practical guidance and teaching tips and information on technology supports, the assessment process, IEPs, employment, secondary education, community living and recreation and leisure. Includes case studies and reproducible pages.

These are just a few of the many resources that can be found at the SERC Library. Check out all the resources available in the Library catalog at

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