Halloween is one of America's most beloved holidays, as evidenced by stores filled with mountains of fun-size candy and an abundance of costumes, as well as the palpable air of excitement that surrounds October 31st. Whether you're going as Michael Jackson or Edward Cullen or a fairy princess, and whether you're going out or staying home to await trick-or-treaters, remember that safety is paramount. This year, with H1N1 on the rise, it is even more important to keep in mind the following general Halloween safety tips:
- Accompany your children trick-or-treating, or else send them out with another trusted adult or teen.
- If you're not going with them be aware of where your kids are going. Know their route and where they plan to be throughout the night. Check in with them using cell phones.
- Set a solid curfew ahead of time so that everyone is on the same page about when they're expected home.
- Keep to well-lit neighborhoods that you're familiar with, and use common sense guidelines for walking at night, such as toting a flashlight or reflective gear and being careful when crossing streets.
- Never consume candy or food that has an opened wrapper or that appears to have been tampered with.
- With the current prevalence of the H1N1 virus, take extra precaution when handling candy, as well as germ-riddled surfaces like doorknobs.