Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Connecticut Summit on PBIS

Coming in May, along with warmer weather, is the Connecticut Summit on PBIS: Enhancing Academic Achievement Through School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The Summit is being held on Friday, May 20, 2011 at the UCONN Student Union in Storrs from 8 am to 4 pm. The purpose of the Summit is to provide school leaders, policy makers, and educators an opportunity to learn about national PBIS efforts and shape an action plan for PBIS implementation in Connecticut, which would enhance academic school reform efforts. Keynote is our own Dr. George Sugai, addition speakers include Dr. Rob Horner, Dr. Steve Goodman and Susan Barrett. Visit the SERC website for additional information, Registration is only $50.00 per person and lunch will be provided. The Summit is presented by CSDE, SERC, OSEP National Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and UCONN Center for Behavioral Education and Research. Please direct questions regarding registration to Tiffany Reyes, Project Assistant at SERC 860.632.1485 x 210.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

152 Pounds of Food!

Congratulations to the SERC Library patrons and the SERC staff during our recent "Food for Fines" drive in December. Local food pantries have been affected by the economy in two ways: less food is being donated and the increase of those seeking help from food pantries. We are happy to report that we contributed 152 pounds of food to the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry here in Middletown. Special thanks goes out to all who helped contribute to this effort. I would also like to thank Diana and Susan who helped me box up the donations, Diana and Renee who loaded the boxes into Barbara's car, and Barbara and Alex who brought the donations inside so they would not freeze overnight and then reloaded them and dropped them off. This is the second "Food for Fines" campaign that the Library has held during the past year and we really appreciate those who contributed. Thank you, Donna-Lee

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kits 1 and 2 by Nancy Kaufman

The Kaufman Speech Praxis Kits 1 and 2 were developed to help children ages 2-6 with apraxia of speech. Each comprehensive kit includes over 200 visual cards targeting the syllable shapes children with apraxia need to master. This systematic treatment program simplifies word pronunication patterns and can help children become more effective vocal and verbal communicators.