Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 2 to 3 pm ET - Register HERE
Part of the Inside ESSA Webinar Series As many states experience growth in their English-language-learner populations, changes required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act will give this group of students a higher profile and reflect their growing importance in measuring overall student achievement. That's in part because schools' accountability for the progress that English-learners make in learning the language is now integrated into Title I, the federal program under which the performance of all other students is scrutinized. But the change doesn't come without complications. Some state education agencies are still unsure how they will interpret and implement the law's mandates. Join us for a conversation with English-language-learner administrators from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg, N.C., and Roseville, Minn., school districts to examine their plans for adjusting to the new federal law.
Kristina Robertson,
English-learners program administrator, Roseville Area school district, Minn.Charlotte "Nadja" Trez, executive director, English-learner services, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, N.C., school district This webinar will be moderated by Corey Mitchell, staff writer, Education Week |